About LSO


Life Sciences Ontario is a member-driven organization that represents and promotes the province’s vibrant and diverse life sciences sector. LSO collaborates with governments, academia, industry and other life science organizations in Ontario and across Canada to promote and encourage commercial success throughout this diverse sector.

Life Sciences encompasses all science related to living organisms, be it human, animal or plant. Ontario has a diverse group of life sciences stakeholders that includes companies operating in a variety of sectors, including biopharmaceuticals, agriculture, agri-food, the bioeconomy, animal health, medical devices, environmental technologies and many more. Members of Life Sciences Ontario include individuals, students, investors, members of academia, service providers and emerging and established companies that together make up Ontario’s life sciences community.  

The life sciences industry is uniquely positioned to help address some of the biggest social challenges that governments around the globe are facing: strengthening economies through the creation of jobs in knowledge-based industries, sustainable and high quality healthcare, affordable clean energy alternatives, sustainable food sources and the need for technologies that support a clean and healthy environment. LSO will work across Ontario’s diverse sector to speak with a unified voice; and to recommend and promote well developed policies that address the challenges of promoting innovation, improving productivity, increasing access to capital and supporting commercialization efforts in order to realize the full potential of world-class life sciences research.  

The organization also provides a wide range of networking and educational events, and operates a vibrant mentorship program that is helping to develop high-skilled talent and build new business opportunities for the life sciences sector. LSO is an effective conduit for delivering policy options to governments and is dedicated to promoting Ontario's life sciences sector locally, nationally and internationally.


Our Vision

"Diversity of Members, Unity of Voice"

To be the unified Voice of Life Sciences in Ontario by representing the interests of the diverse life sciences community in the province through advocacy, education, facilitation of economic development and promotion of the industry locally, nationally and internationally.  


Our Mission

LSO will be the single point of contact for Ontario’s life sciences stakeholders, not only for resolutions to public policy issues, but also to be the conduit between the many organizations in Ontario and our government partners. LSO will work in concert with life science stakeholders to grow the sector in Ontario and to improve our position in the global marketplace. LSO will promote the benefits of life science technologies and work to encourage their commercial success. LSO will continue to operate through the support of its membership and will continue to grow its value proposition to members, stakeholders and governments. LSO will seek to find alignment across our diverse community of life sciences stakeholders and work to complement and support their efforts through partnership and collaboration.  



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