Toronto, ON-On December 13, 2012, a panel of business leaders of innovative organizations will address what it takes to have a successful R&D partnership and how it can influence the profitability of the sector in Ontario. Peter van der Velden, President of Lumira Capital, will lead this panel through the intricacies of developing these partnerships, and in particular identifying the hallmarks of successful R&D partnerships leading to commercialization.
This panel will include leaders from Ontario based pharmaceutical companies, an association dedicated to innovation in the auto manufacturing sector economy as well as an organization dedicated to the commercialization of innovation in Ontario.Rav Kumar, VP, R&D Operations / Business Development of GlaxoSmithKline Canada, who announced $12M in R&D funding in February of 2012, will address this issue from a large pharmaceutical company perspective. Additionally, Tony Cruz, CEO of Transition Therapeutics, will discuss their drive to success through collaborations and alliances from a small pharma view. Craig Crawford, head of the BioAuto Council, leads a team dedicated to making Ontario a global leader in the use of renewable biobased materials. John MacRitchie leads the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) business development team, developing and managing industry-academic projects in central Ontario
The importance of interaction with the academia, government and industry is fundamental to the success of the innovation space. Further, company/company partnerships, alliances and joint ventures in R&D can also significant economic growth. Each of these panelists brings a perspective of growth, investment, executive management and team leading. No doubt Mr. van der Velden will challenge these speakers to identify what works and what does not!
Life Sciences Ontario has the mission to represent and promote the benefits of life science technologies and encourage their commercial success including related organizations that support this community with the vision to be the voice of life sciences in Ontario.
For more information on the Capitalizing on Life Sciences in Ontario event, please click here